Caring for a dependent relative can be difficult, make sure you are taking care of yourself too.

We are all eagerly awaiting some of the lockdown restrictions to be lifted, so if you’ve been caring for a dependent relative now is the time to plan for that much needed break.

Orchard House is different from other care homes – at Orchard House you can book a respite stay just like you would a hotel break. We’re here when you need us and we’re committed to providing you with the best and safest care for those you care most about.

We are delighted that all our team have been vaccinated against Covid 19 to provide everyone with that extra reassurance that Orchard House is a safe choice for all your care needs.

If the person you care for is not yet ready for a short stay, our day care hub has now re-opened and is the perfect opportunity to plan a little me time each week for carers, and give the person you support an enjoyable day out in an approved safe environment. We have implemented many new systems to ensure a safe visit because  safety is our top priority.

To find out more about our day care hub, respite care or long term care get in touch on 01723 378220 or visit our website and enjoy a virtual visit!

Latest Lockdown Measures at Orchard House

Can we access day care and respite care during lockdown?

Many people are unsure about what the lockdown rules mean for day care and respite services at Orchard House. We are pleased to say that we can continue operating normally.

Our experience over the last year has shown us that remaining socially connected is vital for people of all ages. Social distancing has had a negative impact on the health of many people, and for older people in particular.

Our day care and respite care services have a host of benefits, because being socially connected has been shown to slow the rate of physical and cognitive decline.

Over the past months our day visitors and residents have been supported to become pen pals with local schools and churches, enjoyed watching a streamed production of The Snow Queen from the Stephen Joseph Theatre, and a Christmas concert recording from Gladstone Road school. Innovative ways of using technology have meant that residents were able to see a celebration of the mass from St Peter’s Church.

The last year has seen huge changes in the way we live and work, and we are constantly looking for new ways to promote social engagement for the people we support so that we can enrich their lives.

To find out more about how we can help support the person you care for get in touch at 01723 378220 or by email at

As we near the end of a year like no other we look back at the challenges that the virus has created for us.

As we near the end of a year like no other we look back at the challenges that the virus has created for us.

The strength, adaptability and resilience of our team has enabled us to overcome many hurdles whilst implementing new ways of working. Most importantly we have been able to protect our residents and we have remained 100% covid free.

The challenges families and friends have experienced through separation from the people they love who are in a care home have been many. We are proud to have supported them to keep in touch in new ways by implementing technology, setting up garden visits and then protected space indoor visits. We are looking forward to the vaccine being rolled out and being able to test visitors to be sure as so far is possible that our residents and team are protected and ‘normal’ visiting can be resumed.

Christmas and New Year are special events in our calendar and this year many of us will be celebrating the season very differently. At Orchard House we will ensure that we will find new ways of making this lovely season special for our residents and our team. Looking back often fills us with nostalgia for the year that has passed. I think this year we will all look forward to the herald of the New Year and safer, happier and healthier times for everyone.

So all that is left for me to say is that all of the team wish you A very Peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Christmas Closing at Orchard House

Orchard House Day Care will close at 4pm on Christmas Eve and re-open on Tuesday 29th December until Thursday 31st. We will be closed New Years Day and then re-open on Tuesday 5th January.

Our respite stays are still available so  if you would like a Christmas break with us contact us to check availability, we are looking forward to a traditional Christmas with all of our residents.

We would like to wish all our visitors and their families a very Happy Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Family Members Who Test Negative for Covid-19 Able to Visit Care Home Residents

Great news today, the government has announced that families who test negative for Covid-19 will be able to visit care home residents. Lateral Flow Device testing (LFD) is going to be used to test family members before visiting. Results from the tests will come back within 30 minutes and as long as the test comes back negative, you’ll be able to visit residents inside the home. Visits will still need to be socially distanced and visitors will need to be wearing PPE.

Visiting Our Home this Christmas

We’ve been working hard to ensure we are aligned to the new changes in government guidance and that we can welcome visitors back into the home.

We will be carefully planning Christmas visitation to ensure that everyone who wants to visit can. We are setting up an indoor visiting room and you will be able to telephone us to secure a visiting time.

Our designated visiting room will be similar to a living room, with comfortable furnishing and heating to create a welcoming and warm environment for you. We would not encourage residents to leave the service, as the current guidance states that only those of working age should.

Please note, the directors or registered manager may postpone visits at any time without prior notice, should they feel it necessary for the safety of all, or if instructed to by the government or public health guidance. This may result in a visit being cancelled at short notice, but you can rest assured that we will do our best to give you as much notice as possible.


We are also very excited to hear that a vaccine is imminent, and the government has stated that care home residents and staff will be the first priority in their vaccination plan. This is brilliant news for the whole country and brings us renewed optimism that we can look forward to a happy and healthy new year!

Great news day care is back!

After many months of our day care being closed due to Covid-19,we are thrilled to say that the government and health advisors have recognised that there are physical and emotional benefits for people who use the service.

We have been working very hard to prepare to welcome our visitors back in the safest possible way and give families the reassurance that we are working with the most recent guidance available. We are able to offer our day care service once again from Tuesday 17th November and we look forward to welcoming old and new visitors to Orchard House.

Please contact us if you would like to make a booking or find out more about our day care service