Steps 1, 2 and 3 – We’re with you every step of the way!

Steps 1, 2 and 3 – We’re with you every step of the way!

Steps 1, 2 and 3 – We’re with you every step of the way!

Your parents planned the best way to support you through childhood and beyond, ensuring all your needs were met. So, it’s no wonder that when the roles are reversed, you want to give them the very best care and support. Supporting an older relative is not easy. As their physical or mental health declines, your job gets more difficult. It can often feel like an uphill battle and many caregivers find it difficult to cope.

At Orchard House, we provide tailored support to meet the needs of the people we care for, whether that’s for a few hours a day, a few days a week or longer. Being a small, bespoke home gives us a huge advantage: we are able to really get to know our visitors and residents, meaning we can truly cater to their needs, and yours.

A tailored transition plan formulated with the individual and their family can help reduce stress and anxiety. Families who plan for the future benefit from peace of mind and regain a sense of control that can so easily be lost in times of crisis.

All our services at Orchard House can be accessed independently of each other. So, if you’re thinking about trying out our day care sessions, a couple of days or weeks of respite care or long-term residential care, we can help you plan.

Our day care hub is a great starting point for building acceptance of needing a little extra help, especially for someone who is reluctant to change or to accepting support. Day care sessions are a fun and social place to be.

Day care sessions are £50.50 for those not eligible for funding. But did you know that day care activities are included for free when you book a respite stay with us? That’s worth £252.50 over a five-day break, which makes our care outstanding value!

The beauty of our care and support is the smooth transition from one step to another. At Orchard House, we consider everyone family and begin building a relationship with those we care for the moment they step through the door. That might be why 100% of our long-term residents have taken every step with Orchard House.

Step 1 = day care services
Step 2 = respite care
Step 3 = long-term care

Are you a carer and wondering how you are going to juggle all the demands of creating a perfect Christmas for your family?

Are you a carer and wondering how you are going to juggle all the demands of creating a perfect Christmas for your family?

Have Yourself a Happy and Peaceful Christmas.

Are you a carer and wondering how you are going to juggle all the demands of creating a perfect Christmas for your family?

Your days whizz by in a whirl of shopping for food, shopping for gifts, cooking,decorating the house, and trying to get to that Carol service or Nativity event with the little ones.

That’s before you start feeling guilty because you haven’t got as much time to support, or spend time with the older or more dependant relatives in your life!

At Christmas, it’s more important than ever to take care of yourself to avoid burning out before the last cracker has been pulled. Family feuds and meltdowns have been well documented over the years as everyone tries to live up to the fictional image of what a Happy Christmas looks like.

If you would like to have some time to call your own and real quality time with your family and friends that sometimes means recognising you can’t do everything for everybody.

The Christmas period at Orchard House is packed full of festive activities, everyone has a cosy room to relax in, complete with a mini-Christmas tree and a stocking on the door!

Best of all, family and friends are welcome to pop in for a mince pie or stay and have a meal. Our visitors love it, relieved of the duty visits and having to make excuses for not wanting to join in the family big events, they can sit back and relax, watch what they want on TV or enjoy the company of our other visitors and care team.

We are the experts in making a respite break a holiday. All our breaks are personalised and with only 5 other residents it’s a real home from home break.

Plan ahead now and contact us to find out about our availability this Christmas and start a new family tradition that benefits everyone. We make Christmas a positive and happy experience for all the family!

What’s happening at Orchard House in November?

What’s happening at Orchard House in November?

As our partnership with Dementia Forward continues to grow, we’ve got two new activities lined up this month.

On Tuesday 14th November we’ll be hosting the first Memory Support Session at Orchard House with Lisa, a memory support advisor from Dementia Forward. These sessions will be held every second Tuesday at Orchard House and are a chance for anyone who is concerned about their own memory or a loved one’s to sit down with Lisa and have a confidential chat. Lisa will then be able to signpost you to the appropriate services.

Contact Lisa to find out more: 07519375394

And on Thursday 23rd November we’re running a consultation evening to launch our new weekly sessions for people with Young Onset Dementia. These weekly sessions will be called THRIVE, we’ve developed them specifically for those with young onset dementia because we know that age-appropriate services for dementia care, support and social events are lacking in many areas. We hope that THRIVE will become a social hub where you can socialise, stay mentally and physically active, find a network of supportive people to share ideas and experiences with, enjoy activities led by you, enjoy a meal, and have access to Dementia Forward support workers.

Come along to the consultation evening on 23rd November from 4 pm to 7:30 pm to learn more about our proposed activities and to let us know what you would like to see from a THRIVE session. Light refreshments will be served, we look forward to seeing you soon!

Young Onset Dementia Awareness Day is Tuesday 24th October

Young Onset Dementia Awareness Day is Tuesday 24th October

Last year saw the launch National Young Onset Dementia Day 24 October #YODA This year, to mark the day and as part of our U&ME Campaign – To Create a Voice, they are releasing a special track, which is written and performed by Scott Quinn, inspired by the words of Jonathan Beardsworth (who is living with young onset dementia) and also featuring him on guitar.

So tomorrow, please, please, share the U&ME track – which goes live on #YODA day – to help us raise awareness and champion age-appropriate support for the increasing numbers of people facing this diagnosis.  The song is free and will be available on your usual streaming platforms from the 24th October. Its purpose is to help make a noise for young onset dementia. You can click here to pre save it: Pre-save U&ME single You can tag @dementiaforward on social media and use #YODA on the day. 

To find out more, and for an exclusive viewing of the video that accompanies the song, please click on this link below:

Young Onset Dementia Awareness Day, Dementia Forward, North Yorkshire’s leading dementia charity

At Orchard House we have first hand experience of supporting people who have had a young onset of dementia and we have made it our pledge to do everything we can do to raise awareness and improve services for them. We are very proud to have partnered with Dementia Forward and we are about to launch a new service especially for people under 65 who have dementia. Please get in touch and share your thoughts on what kind of service you would like, we are very keen to hear your opinions and move towards creating positive experiences for those younger people with dementia.

New partnership with Dementia Forward

New partnership with Dementia Forward

We are thrilled to announce an exciting new partnership with Dementia Forward the leading dementia charity in North Yorkshire whose commitment to strive for excellence in dementia care aligns perfectly with ours.

We believe that exceptional care and support for people affected by dementia needs exceptional people who strive for innovative practices, using a connected approach to improve the lives of people affected by dementia.

Our collaboration means that people in Scarborough and surrounding areas can look forward to and benefit from a more tailored approach to their needs. Our day opportunities hub and purpose built respite care unit provides unique opportunities for individualised attention and engaging activities. This cost-effective service gives peace of mind for families and enables the individual to stay in their own home for longer.

Building on our new partnership with Dementia Forward we aim to go beyond caring and serve as an educational hub for families with resources and support workers that can help them understand and navigate the complex needs of the person they support.

Together and connected we are embarking on a journey to transform the lives of people affected by dementia.

Interested? Want to find out more? Why not join us at Orchard House for our launch event and Community Fun Event on Wednesday 11th October from 2pm or contact us at 01723 378220.