Performance of Cinderella

Performance of Cinderella

We shall go to the ball! Our lovely friends from the Stephen Joseph Theatre are bringing this fabulous performance of Cinderella for our residents, visitors and their families. We do hope you can join us on Friday 27th January at 1pm.

Have  Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

Have  Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

Wishing all our residents, day visitors and their families a very Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year.

Our day care will close on 23rd December and be open on the 28th,29th & 30th December.

After the New Year we will be open again from 3rd January 2023 and we look forward to welcoming friends old and new!

If you have not tried our day care yet, it’s not too late to pop into one of our special Christmas events and have yourself a Merry Little Christmas!

December Planner 2022

Dear Friends and families, it’s a busy time of year at Orchard House and we have lots of lovely events planned for our day care visitors and residents. Please do join us for our Christmas party, Christmas Fair and a special afternoon with Hackness ladies choir. Let’s make Christmas truly special this year!

Yorkshire Day!

Yorkshire Day!

Our team at Orchard House are preparing to celebrate Yorkshire Day with themed games and events all next week. Why celebrate for just one day when there is so much to love about our fabulous county!

We will also be having some tasty Yorkshire treats so why not come along to one of our Day care sessions and join in the fun!

Contact Orchard House to find out more about how our day care enriches peoples’ lives and gives  their carers a well -deserved break!

It’s Dementia Awareness week!

Dementia awareness week is an annual awareness raising campaign. This year its aims are to encourage people who might be living with, or close to someone with undiagnosed dementia to seek guidance and support from the Alzheimer’s Society.

With an eye-catching theme of, “It’s not called getting old, it’s called getting ill” the Alzheimer’s Society is hoping to debunk the assumption that dementia is a normal part of ageing. When people don’t address their concerns about dementia it often goes untreated and valuable help from health, social care and charitable organisations can be missed out on, along with the benefits that those contacts can bring to individuals and their families.

Our team at Orchard House have a wealth of experience supporting individuals and their families who have been impacted by dementia. Our day care facility can provide regular days out for people with dementia where they are supported in a stimulating and caring environment. Each person has their needs assessed and we tailor our activities to ensure they are inclusive for everyone’s needs.

If you are looking for a longer stay our respite beds are the perfect solution, our small unit has only 6 beds to ensure everyone gets the personalised care and attention they require.

We have strong links and work closely with all health care professionals involved in dementia care as well as the local Alzheimer’s Society and Dementia Action Alliance.

Why not pop in or call us for a chat today to see if we can help?

Step into Spring.

Step into Spring.

Step into Spring.

Over the last 2 years everyone’s life changed dramatically as Covid meant we were all restricted in where we could go and who we could see.

If you have been hibernating away during lockdown and the winter there is no better time than now to make a fresh start, because at last, we have officially reached the first day of Spring! We have noticed the days are getting longer and the signs of the seasons changing are all around us. Flowers and trees are bursting into life and birds are busy preparing their nests.


Why not step into Spring with us at Orchard House, we are pleased to welcome back our friends, old and new and we look forward to seeing you all soon.

Our day care service operates from Monday – Friday, 10am – 3pm, you can contact us on 01723 378220 to check availability and reserve your place.